法律, 代码, 和标准 that govern accessibility compliance—such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Fair Housing Act and UK Equality Act 2010—can be unclear and subject to broad interpretation. Our team can help with building and accessibility regulations compliance, achieving compliance when designing and constructing facilities and sites, 管理未来索赔的风险.


所有建筑结构, alterations and additions must fully comply with accessibility laws, 代码, 和标准. This includes upgrading the facility with any special requirements if it is not currently compliant. Our team can help identify the 代码 和标准 relevant to the project and whether there are any special requirements or code exceptions that need to be applied. Conducting accessibility reviews prior to submitting the project to permitting authorities will help achieve success with regulators and avoid any negative impacts to the project budget and schedule.


Identifying and correcting accessibility issues prior to 检查s by the permitting authority can facilitate a smoother construction approval process and help the project team manage the risk of future claims. We provide field observations during construction phases to highlight accessibility compliance and building regulations issues so that these can be addressed before construction progresses.


While accessibility compliance is an important consideration for new construction, existing facilities must also keep current with accessibility standards and make appropriate updates to remain compliant. Our team can perform accessibility assessments to determine whether an existing building or site complies with all applicable laws and 代码. Understanding deficiencies allows for better planning of barrier removal projects, incorporation of accessible structures into alterations and additions, and estimation of future expenditures needed for facility compliance.


Government or public entities may partner with us to perform a self-evaluation to assess whether a site meets accessibility compliance. After identifying and documenting potential barriers, we can assist in developing or updating a transition plan to address necessary structural changes and modifications to accessibility policies and procedures.